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Long term visitors to the site will know that I’ve not made many updates for a very long time,
and that there has been more than one false dawn. I’ve been doing more painting and sculpting
recently than I have for many years, so I thought I’d try posting some new content. This time
I’m using a blog rather than the antique framework I lashed together myself at the close of the 20th century.
Click here to go to the THE NEW SITE where there is already several bits of new content.
In addition, I'm pleased to say that Alan, an old friend of mine, will be collaborating on this. He
makes fantastic scratch built scenery (there is some of his work in the old gallery), and he has already
posted a couple of tutorials.
This site will eventually be retired when I have integrated its content into the new site, but
for the time being I'm leaving it as it is, and concentrating on posting fresh material.
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DataBase Antiquitatis -
After many years, finally an update to the site with the launch of a new tool which lays out the armies with their enemies, allies and time ranges clearly shown. It can be filtered to show particular armies, and drilled into for an analysis of the key combat odds.
For more information about DBA, go to Fanaticus.org
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Finally completed a massive re-templating of the entire site. Not entirely successful in that it looks much the same, except for some bits which don't look as good, and a few which look better. A bit more work to do on the side menus etc. and there are bound to be some broken links (which I'm expected all you loyal readers to tell me about).
The rationale for this was that the original site had been set up with two constraints - no server side scripting, and low bandwidth. Neither of these now apply, which allowed for a much better solution.
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Brick Ruin -
Waste not want not. When casting plaster into Linka moulds, they often come out faulty. Rather than throw the bits away, I made this ruin.
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Gothic Ruin -
Some time since I got round to an update, but in the meantime I have built this rather natty piece of ruined gothic cathedral. There's even a template, so you can make your own.
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Base Preparation -
For some time I've been meaning to cover basing figures. This deals with the first stages of sticking them down and texturing. Basic stuff but hopefully some useful tricks.
My Workbench -
Some shots of the factory floor - my workbench.
Realism and Tactics -
I meander around the topic of how realistically games simulate real battles, whether that matters, and how tactics relate to reality.
Technical Issues -
I have had an extensive revamp of the way the site was put together. Previously the menu, contents and gallery pages were created from an Excel spreadsheet using a macro. Now it's all in a database, and many of the other pages are created this way too. Also the side menus have been made collapsible, as many of them were getting rather long. All this is explained on the Technical Issues page.
What is Paranoia -
A long time ago I used to play a lot of this wonderful role-playing game. This explains what it was all about.
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Beastmen -
A unit of slightly converted Beastman followers of Nurgle.
 ©1999-2003. All rights reserved.