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Military Dictionary

Schutztruppe on the march

Under construction - additions and corrections gladly accepted.

Abzeichen - Insignia
Achselstück - Epaulet/shoulderboard
Arzt - Medic/Doctor
Beamten - Official
Etatmässige Feldwebel - Regimental Sergeant Major
Feldmütze - Field cap
Feldwebel - Company Sergeant Major
Gefreiter - Lance-Corporal/Senior Private (Non-Commissioned Officer)
Geschütz - Cannon/Artillery
Hauptleute - Company Officers
Hauptmann - Captain
Knopf - Button
Lazareth - Field Hospital
Lazarethgehilfe - Corpsman/Paramedic
Leutnant - 2nd Lieutenant
Kragen - Collar
Major - Major
Mantel - Overcoat
Musiker - Musician
Mütze - Cap
Ober Büchsenmacher - Chief Gunsmith
Ober Feuerwerker - Chief Artificier (military mechanic)
Oberleutnant -Lieutenant
Oberst - Colonel
Oberstleutnat - Lieutenant Colonel
Offizier-Stellvertreter - Acting Officer (NCOs with field promotions)
Rittmeister - Equivalent rank to captain in cavalry and supply units.
Rossarzt - Veterinary Officer
Sattler - Saddler
Schnur - Cord/lace
Schützen - Marksmen
Sergeant - Sergeant (Non-Commissioned Officer)
Spielmann - Bandsman
Der Spiess - nickname for the Etatmässige Feldwebel
Troddel - Tassel
Tropenhelm - sun helmet
Tuchuniform - Dress uniform (?)
Unteroffizier - Corporal (Non-Commissioned Officer)
Vize Feldwebel - Staff Sergeant (Non-Commissioned Officer)
Waffen - Arms
Zahlmeister - Purser/Paymaster
Zahlmeister Aspirant - Junior Paymaster

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