Biblical City in 15mm

This started over 20 years ago when I put together a biblical collection. Peter Guilder’s fault really. I went to the Model Engineer exhibition in the 70s and there were some Hinchliffe Egyptian Chariots in a display case. At school. No money. Fast forward nearly 20 years and I decided I would get me some […]

Corn Stooks

These are the finished articles. I haven’t yet decided how I’ll base them, so I’ve just popped them on cocktail sticks for the photographs.

Start with a bundle of Coir. I’ve made my stooks around 3 cm long, on the basis that historic crops stood taller before we bred out the height to create […]


To give an idea of what the final product should look like;

This shows Gabions topped with fascines held in place with pegs driven into the tops of the gabions. The fascines are also used to front the lower central sections which allow the guns to fire through.

The staves are cut from Bamboo […]