Static Grass Applicator for £2.50

Hi, sorry I haven’t posted for a while. Health and 6mm Napoleonic distractions.

Was looking to apply static grass to bases, wanted it to stand upright, but didn’t fancy spending £40 on something I wouldn’t use an awful lot. Found this article;

I went to Poundland and got a bug zapper for a whole […]

Helsreach buildings

Before I get started on making some buildings specifically for Helsreach, (that’s the Logan’s World city featured in Rogue Trader – nothing to do with the later book), I thought I’d collect up all the pictures for reference. Here they are in one handy image.

Architectural elements are:

Adobe mud buildings Small square or […]

Office Block

At the start of the month, I posted a photo from a battle with this building dominating the centre. Here’s a bit more about how it was built.

Large building scenery


It all started about 15 years ago with the roof, which is a base for a pair of ERTL tie fighters. I […]

Rusty debris

I love to make scenery out of found objects. These rusty bits of debris are exactly that – rusty debris. There was an old farm implement rusting away at the end of the garden, and before I took it to the tip, I noticed that some of it was actually flaking apart into these fragments. […]

Treasure chests and coffins for Frostgrave

Last year I took advantage of a Black Tree sale to pick up a few chests for Frostgrave. We’ve got a few treasure items but have had to resort to using dice etc in the past. I’ve finally got these finished as part of the ‘clear the WIP tray’ effort that I blogged a couple […]

6mm Epic scale trenches

We’ve just finished building a large piece of 6mm trench fortification – something I thought about doing years ago, but never did. However, over the holidays Rowan had a school project to build a model of a WWI trench. This seemed like an ideal opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so I helped […]

Looking at Lighting

Was thinking about some of the features I could recreate in my dungeon setup. Started to consider whether I could model some bioluminescent plants. Came up with some initial ideas but before I invest in proper stuff I figured I would use some cheap battery operated leds from a discount store and see how I […]

Dungeon cell

Got my Breeding Pits kickstarter for Frostgrave, so decided that the insert for my next room would involve a cell with a set of bars. Figured the breeding programme would have resulted in some things better kept secure. I’ve included detail on the basics for the room and walls in previous posts, so won’t repeat […]

Floorplans for Inquisitor Cynole temple

The temple floorplan is printed and stuck to boards. They have a few wrinkles because I stuck them down with very thinly spread PVA. Spray mount would have been much better, but it’s excruciatingly expensive. Still the end result is pretty good. Everything in the photo below is flat except for the three models.

Temple floor plan for Inquisitor Cynole

I’ve completed the floor plan for the temple in the Inquisitor Cynole game. It’s 2ft by 4ft. I collaged it up in Photoshop using textures mostly Googled up. The next step is to print it out and stick it to 30cm hardboard squares, as I did last year for the Chainsaw Warrior game. Here’s a […]