3D printed weapons

I have been using Sketchup to make some weapons for 3D printing. I have just sent two copies of this sprue for printing by Shapeways and I should have them back before the end of the month. I am using the highest resolution material, which is called Frosted Ultra Detail. The cheaper “White Strong and Flexible” definitely has too much banding judging from the samples I’ve seen. The more you order, the cheaper it gets, because the base cost plus postage is 18 Euros, and then you pay proportionally to the volume on top of that – in this case approximately 5 Euros per sprue – so this isn’t a cheap way to get models, even if you have the CAD files ready to print. However, I think they will be neater than I could ever achieve in putty, and it will be exciting to see something I’ve computer modelled turning up in the physical world.


3D printed 28mm weapons


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