Small 25mm Sci-Fi Scenery

1) - Pressurized Container
This was made from an old light fitting with a bit of zoid and a few pieces of scrap glued on. The warning sign is from a sign catalogue.
Picture of Cylinder

Picture of container 2) - Radioactive Waste Container
This is the starter from a fluorescent light, with a few labels printed out from the computer.

3) - Concrete Planter
The base is foamcard, painted in the same way as this concrete wall. The plants are plastic aquarium plants which are pushed into a piece of polystyrene in the centre
Picture of planter
4) - Racking
To make these I glued a stack of caps from disposable Bic razors together with super glue. Rectangles of mounting board were then stuck to the top, bottom and back of the stack.


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