Links Contents

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Last checked 02/05/2004

Vietnam - Some suitable rule sets for Vietnam & other modern periods.
Grunt - Mike Ruffle's massive site. Wargaming and general info. Regular updates.
Fields of Fire - The online community for the Vietnam wargamer. Includes forum, news and links to manufacturers of rules and miniatures.
Maps of Vietnam - Including 1:50,000 tactical maps. Large files.
Vietnamodels - Beautiful large scale models of vehicles and reference photos of the real thing.
Low Level Hell - Fantastic pictures of 20mm choppers, and Vietnam conversion of 'Silent Death' spaceship rules.
Vietnam Interview Collection - A number of actual after-action reports with some sketch maps. Ideal for scenarios, they include detailed accounts of forces and an analysis of the action.
Center of Military History - A large catalogue of documents from the US Army including those below.
Seven Firefights in Vietnam - Accounts of seven actual engagements.
Mounted Combat in Vietnam - US Army study of use of armoured vehicles.
Tactical and Materiel Innovations - US Army Study of Vietnam innovations.
Rules of Engagement - Pamphlet listing 9 basic rules for US behaviour.

Deutsche Schutzgebiete - Historical info - in German
German Colonial History - Historical info including paintings of the period.
Major General Tremorden Rederring's Colonial Wargames Page - Rules, scenery building and Kipling extracts, includes Victorian sci-fi.
The Khyber Pass, Colonial Wargaming - Rules, Resources and Gallery
Tales of Zimdar - Colonial and Victorian Science Fiction wargaming

Craig's Model Page - Conversion and painting - mainly WH40K
Hirst Arts - Excellent wargaming scenery made from moulded plaster blocks. Moulds for sale
Rob's Models - Star Wars & GW galleries. Vivid colours & v. neat painting.
Strategic Headquarters - Modelling, Sculpting, Star Wars, GW, Clan War, Battlestorm.
Terragenesis - Huge scenery site
Worldmakers - All types of scenery, mainly WH40K.
Iron Hands (Necromundicon) - Some stunning Necromunda scenery.

Pro Fantasy - Map design software and libraries of graphics. Some sold, some free.
Sun Tzu's Art of War - Learn tactics from this classic text.
The Miniatures Page - Massive site of news and articles on all wargaming areas

SAS, Horsham - The homepage of one club I attend on an occasional basis.
The Wargamers Directory by Acocks Green Guards - Club listings in the UK.

Combined Arms In. - Britannia miniatures, 20mm WWII & Vietnam, 25mm 19thC
Copplestone Castings - A new range of 25mm cyberpunk figures, similar to his previous Future Warriors range.
eM-4-Miniatures - Painted and unpainted miniatures, notably the old Future Warriors range by Mark Copplestone.
Games Workshop - 28mm Fantasy & Sci-fi, 10mm Fantasy, 6mm Sci-fi
Green Scene - Scenic modelling accessories.
Irregular Miniatures - Massive range of scales and periods.
Kneadatite Epoxy Putty - The 'green stuff' used for original figure sculpting.
Peter Pig - 15mm historical and fantasy.
Quick Reaction Force - 15mm 20th century vehicles and troops.
Wargames Foundry - Excellent 28mm historicals, whole range illustrated.


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